As part of my goal to be a better father to my kids, I have been reading the book “Raising a Secure Child” and studying more about the concept of the circle of security.

The circle of security is a model that helps parents strengthen their bonds with their children, promoting security and development. It provides a secure base for exploration and a haven for comfort. Ultimately improving their development.

I’m thinking although leadership and parenting are different maybe the general principles of the Circle of Security can be applied to both.

Firstly, I am not saying team members are children. As a leader, it’s important to provide a secure foundation and security. By providing your team members with a solid foundation, you give them the confidence to explore and take initiative. This sense of autonomy is key to creating a high-performing team that is constantly innovating.

However, it’s not just about giving them the space to explore, it’s also about being there to provide security and support when they run into challenges. By being a mentor and providing backing, you create a haven for your team members to return to when they need guidance. Therefore repeating the cycle.

Anyway, just a thought I had while washing the dishes. I am sure I am not the first person to have related the two.

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