Differences between designer and developer.
If you are reading this you should already know the difference but for keyword’s sake and to oversimplify for an introduction
A designer’s job is to create an appealing and functional design for a website or application. Developers are responsible for creating the code that will power the design that designers have created.
Working together
Designers and developers are very heavily involved. Effective collaboration between the two is key to a successfully delivered project/product. Below are some tips that seem to work for my design team when working with developers (most of the time ?).
#1 Get developers involved early
Designers and developers should collaborate early on in the process to avoid any major disagreements. This initiative means the team can be more aligned on what is the end goal and potentially identify problems before they become significant issues.
#2 Learn how each other works
We dont mean they need to be experts in both fields. Designers should learn the process, tools, etc that the developers use. This should allow them to identify potential limitations or adjust certain delivery processes.
As for developers, make time to understand basic design principles and how designers think about problems.
#3 Be Flexible
You may not always know what’s best for the project and that’s okay! Designers need to understand what developers need from them to be able to do their job and vice versa. Be willing to compromise on certain things during the project.
- A components design is harder than it seems and could cause a delay in development. The designer should assist developers and adjust to a win-win situation
- A certain process might not be working for the team to discuss causing issues. Discuss and be open to adjusting the process to something that works for all parties.
#4 Be open to feedback
Both designers and developers should be open to critical feedback from each other. This can help improve the final product and the process encourages growth-mindset among team members and ensures that everyone is happy with the result and had a great time working together.
#5 Celebrate small wins together
There will be a lot of challenges in projects and product development. But should never forget to celebrate the little milestones/wins that the team achieve together. Being aware of this increases morale, and helps let everyone know you are on the journey together and so far it’s going in the right direction.
Overall, the key to successful collaboration between designers and developers is effective communication, mutual understanding, and a willingness to work together. Focusing on this and making sure that is understood by the team, designers and developers can create amazing works together.