When creating any marketing collateral such as websites, landing pages, display ads, search ads, etc. one of the most common things overlooked are the Call to action (CTA). This is that final push that can decide whether a user will enquire, sign up, or purchase what you are selling. Getting the CTA just right to work with the rest of the design elements in your marketing collateral could make the difference in it meeting its objectives. To help you out and hopefully improve your marketing attempts we have gathered 8 tips below:

1. Use Numbers

If you are running an eCommerce website, the use of numbers such as discounts and prices, gives information on the products or services that you are offering. Providing solid numbers will inform the consumers to determine whether it is worth clicking the button. Also, customers clicking on the CTA after seeing it will be still interested when entering as showing the pricing information.

2. Colours

Colours on a CTA can be crucial and be the difference of getting a click conversion or not. There is no specific colour that works on all websites. A way to make the CTA button stand out from the rest of the site is to use a colour that contrasts with the rest of the website. For example, if the website is a certain colour, like blue, you would use a colour that is an opposite of it, orange or ‘warm’ colours.

3. Sense of Urgency

The sole purpose of CTAs is for consumers to convert and to click on the button. Having a sense of urgency can assist with that purpose. This is done by making it seem that the product or services that are being sold are limited putting more value and a sense of urgency to the purchase. Having text on your CTA such as ‘Product is running out fast’ or ‘Get it immediately’ are examples of adding urgency.

4. Displaying Intent

This is one of the most basic key elements of a good CTA, but it is often forgotten.
It is important for CTAs to be more action-oriented rather than passive. Having ‘Try It for Free’ rather than ‘Free Trial’ can make a large difference in a number of click-throughs. Words like “get”, “Click here now”, “Try it” are all words that initiate action and provides an idea on what is to be expected on you click the CTA.

5. CTA Placement

The position of the CTA is important and most online marketers would say to put it above the fold of the site under the assumption that if a button is not seen immediately it would not be clicked. However, based on our experience this theory is not entirely correct. The placement of the CTA should be based on the website it is in. Meaning, that the determinant in the positioning of the CTA should be based on the complexity of the product or service that is being offered. The simpler the product the higher the button should be and the more complicated it is, the lower down the page it should be. In saying this, however, if your page is enough to capture the consumers and interest them, it won’t matter where it would be, they will find it no matter what.

6. First Person and second person wording

Using first person and second person words such as ‘I, you, my, yours’, is an effective tool for CTA because it creates an image for the consumers, as if they are being spoken to rather than generic buttons such as ‘Shop Now’ can be changed to ‘Give me some’. Using these types of words also conveys feeling onto to them, having more of a chance for them to click.

7. Make the CTA button look like a button

The meaning of this is fairly simple. Having the CTA button to be set apart from the rest of the page and making sure it stands out the most is appropriate for consumers so they know where to press. Adding borders around the button can help set it apart from the rest of the page and also using 3D effects on the button when it is about to be pressed, can also assist in making a button look like a button. This does not mean you get carried away with the 3D effects. Keep the 3D shadowing minimal as the current trend in the moment is flat designs.

8. Using Images

Call to action

Images can be used to direct the consumers towards the CTA buttons and help navigate the consumers in general around the page. Such as, adding arrows pointing at the button. You may also use images in a way that could lead users’ eyes towards the CTA. This could be done several ways such as using the eye direction of a person in an image, direction of elements in the image is facing, point of action, etc.

Just to sum up, our point is that a great CTA should involve the elements above if necessary. However, you must always keep in mind that when it comes to CTA there is not a one key fit all approach. Learn to analyse the objective of your site and your target audience and use the tips to guide you to hopefully getting more conversions.

You can also find this post in 2n2Designs website where I originally wrote it for.

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