Reflecting on the 6 – 12 months there has been a whirlwind of challenges, learnings, and unexpected joys. It’s been a journey of pushing boundaries, both professionally and personally. I’ve gathered a wealth of insights along the way, and it feels only right to share some of these with others who might find themselves on a similar path, navigating the complex world of management, leadership, and the pursuit of personal fulfilment.
1. Culture is Priority
One of the biggest things is how important the culture of a team or a whole business for that matter is. As a leader, you need to set an example on what is the expected culture. Then you are responsible for nurturing this culture through communications, clear expectations and who you bring in. Your team’s culture should match your overall company’s culture. Culture sets the tone for everything that follows.
2. Clarity is Key
The need to learn to provide clarity to my team this year has been invaluable and continues to be a challenge at times. Having a team that is clear on their expectations, communications and goals is empowered with a sense of purpose and direction. Meaning your team will be much more effective and I guess less work for you as a manager?
3. Understand Your Numbers
As someone who hates the business lingo ex. ROI, Revenue. Actively trying to develop in this area was a big challenge for me. However, overall I think it was well worth it. Understanding the business side even only a fraction allows you to see a bigger story to which your team contributes. Knowing your numbers will allow you to better discuss your team contributions and improve your proposals for experiments or resources. What I was told was to look at numbers as simply words that tell you a story.
4. Change Mindset on Feedback
Another key learning for me is changing the mindset of feedback to having “Genuine Conversations”. Since feedback always sounds one-sided and has now earned a negative connotation to it. Genuine conversations are conversations with the true intent to improve together.
5. Learn to be Vulnerable
To be clear as a leader/manager does not mean you need to be a freaking Superman, heartless emotionless high performing machine (although that sounds pretty cool). Being able to admit your mistakes, and share your challenges and fears with your team opens up the floor for your team to do the same. Hopefully, this will create an environment of trust where there is no fear of sharing ideas and perspectives.
6. Take a Genuine Interest in People
It wasn’t easy as someone who naturally shies away from any type of light, communication and human contact when possible, reaching out and trying to build relationships within the work and my team required effort. However, over time I genuinely enjoyed the interactions and exchange of ideas and casual conversations. Even with the little progress I have made I believe the reward has been great. I believe the empathy, understanding and stronger connection between the teams allows us to be more effective in reaching goals and identifying challenges.
7 Everything at a Balance
Finally the lesson of balance. This year was tough learning how to be a dad and husband and attempting to be great at my job required a lot of self-awareness. It was easy to get lost in work, new ideas or being a provider/caretaker. That you forget to take care of yourself, have fun or enjoy being with your family and friends. Work is a significant part of life, but it’s not all there is. Moments with loved ones, hobbies, and passions bring colour to our lives. Embracing a bit of whimsy and spontaneity has made all the difference.
I am not an expert on everything I mentioned up there that I took away as lessons in the past 6 – 12 months but I do know learning them improved me personally. I look forward to what I can learn in the next couple of months. Is there anything you found useful or related to the above feel free to share.